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Main Objective       

  • Port and Terminal Work Orders Creation in FIS
  • Creation of TREX
  • VIM Handling

1.       Function and duties:

·       Creation of all PTO related Work order in FIS, for the locations

·       Creation of Port Related Work orders (only for HL Operated Vessels)

·       Creation of All Additional Work orders.

·       Creation of All Free Work orders (Wherever necessary)

·       Creation of TREX for all Additional Operational Expenses which is needs to be recover from customer.

·       Verification and tallying of invoices with work orders.

·       Responsible for recovery of Import ground rent from CFS and Mty Transporters, for those containers moved out from Terminal after Free storage period (For Local Laden & Mty)

·       Creation of Operational Invoices (Free Invoices) for all Recoveries from Vendors.

·       VIM Clearance in SAP Support Tasks:

·       Monitoring PTWO 0002 report daily for Work order creation.

·       Verifying invoices with Work orders and forwarding to finance for posting.

·       Supporting Finance team for RECO Clearance.

·       Supporting finance team to clear ZMPI0002 report clearance (IR missing)

·       Analysis and Clearing of ICCL Reports on Monthly basis. For PTO related reports.

·       MMS debit note

2. Qualifications and Technical Job Requirements:

·       Bachelor’s degree

·       knowledge in MS Office, FIS, SAP

·       5 +years industry experience in shipping

·       Process knowledge & systems Support optimization

·       Ability to prompt process data and request under pressure

·       Management of data quality benchmarking and KPI management


3. Skills

·       Communication/Organization Skills

·       Systematic and well-organized way of working

·       Good Communication skills

·       Good Teamwork

·       Ability to take initiatives

·       Could work efficiently and effectively.

·       Always Optimistic and a Quick learner

·       Values/Behaviors

·       Positive attitude

·       Enthusiasm and team spirit

·       High commitment to completion of Assigned tasks

Mit einer Flotte von 258 modernen Containerschiffen und einer Gesamttransportkapazität von 1,9 Millionen TEU ist Hapag-Lloyd eine der weltweit führenden Linienreedereien. Das Unternehmen ist mit rund 14.000 Mitarbeitenden an Standorten in 135 Ländern mit knapp 400 Büros präsent. Hapag-Lloyd verfügt über einen Containerbestand von 2,9 Millionen TEU – inklusive einer der größten und modernsten Kühlcontainerflotten. Weltweit 115 Liniendienste sorgen für schnelle und zuverlässige Verbindungen zwischen mehr als 600 Häfen auf allen Kontinenten. Hapag-Lloyd gehört in den Fahrtgebieten Transatlantik, Mittlerer Osten, Lateinamerika sowie Intra-Amerika zu den führenden Anbietern.

Contact person

Anjali Panchal